Elephants at the proverbial watering hole

Content Marketing – What it Can Do for Your Business

Lions (marketers) can no longer count on elephants (customers) being in the jungle. Elephants have migrated to a watering hole (the internet). Marketers will need to create their own watering holes – so the elephants come to them. One way to do this is with Content Marketing.


Messaging Matters: Creative Strategies for Crushing the Rule of Seven

A fundamental challenge from a brand marketer’s perspective is crafting and delivering targeted marketing messages that resonate with potential customers at every stage of the buyer’s journey. And that’s where the age-old proverb in marketing called “The Rule of Seven” comes in.


Engaging With Followers

It’s great when people love your content, but not everyone is going to be a fan all of the time. Learn how to respond and grow from engaging with your audience.

marketing robot

Predictive Personalization

How artificial intelligence is quickly impacting some core aspects of marketing with Predictive Personalization.

Content being divided into smaller portions and different platforms

What is Lean Content Marketing?

Social media is the new first impression. Having an active online presence can give a good impression and learning resource for a wandering buyer.